Live Instructor Tutoring and Classes.

Best Tutors & Trainers from Mauritius.

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How this Works

Find Instructor
Click "Find a Tutor", search for your subject of interest, select an instructor.
Book Instructor
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Start Learning
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Best home Tutors

Kids 5-12 years
Primary Level
Coaching and tuition on selected subjects at convenient times.
Kids 13-18 years
Secondary Level
See your child progress in Maths, Science, SC, HSC subjects. Even prepare for NCE
Adult 18+
Tertiary Level
Tutors available on a variety of subjects to assist you to excell
Business Level
Get coaching and tuition on Business subjects, AI, Marketing, Finance and more.

Experience the expertise of our top notch tutors for you and your child's future with edVentr.

Suitable online times that ensure you learn at your convenience!! 

Customers reviews

Photoshop has always been a part of my life. I have been utilizing it for more than 3 years now. I even thought of teaching so I needed to be very confident of it that’s why when edVentr gave me the opportunity I instantly grabbed it and and decided to participate in the Adobe Photoshop Certification. This has enabled me to take a step further towards my passion. I want to thank edVentr for this golden opportunity. It was a worthwhile experience while doing the exam and eventually passing with flying colours. But my friend it does not end here, it is just the start of the beginning…
heman kumar kistna profile pic
Heman Kistna
I would like to thank EdVentr and their support team in helping me achieve my certification in Design for Delight Innovator (aka Design Thinking course). While it was a short and tough journey, the support team helped a lot at each step and was very considerate. I had joined the program late but I was not neglected or pushed, but rather encouraged to achieve what I could not. I was given time and all the help needed to achieve this certification. Thank you to Edventr for attending to my queries at all time.
Deeksha Jangi
Assistant Broker
Being passionate about game development, I wanted to become Unity Certified since a few years back but unfortunately the exams were not available in Mauritius. Today, I am super grateful that edVentr made it possible. The process was very straightforward and edVentr made sure they accompanied me throughout my journey. I definitely recommend edVentr for those who are looking to get certified.
Priyeshan Sreeneebus
Indie Game Developer

Best home Tutors

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